GNOME Desktop on Fydetab Duo
The gnome-desktop can be installed with the AUR package gnome-meta
Install it with yay -S gnome-meta
For proper operation you should also switch to GDM upon installation. That can be done by running:
sudo systemctl disable lightdm
sudo systemctl enable gdm
Only Gnome wayland is at all supported.
Screen rotation fix
If on your Fydetab the screen rotates incorrectly, you need to install and configure the Screen Rotate
1. Install Extension Manager
Run sudo pacman -S extension-manager
to install it, and open the application.
2. Install Screen Rotate
After opening the app, tap Browse
> Search
> Type Screen rotate
> Install Screen Rotate
by shyzus
3. Configure Screen Rotate
Head back to the Installed
page of Extension Manager and tap the settings cogwheel to open the extension's settings panel.
Then you should increase the value of Set orientation offset
to 1.
Landscape stylus usage
The stylus will only point correctly when the screen is rotated vertically by default. To set this to instead work horizontally:
1. Open /etc/udev/rules.d/fydetab.rules
To open the file, run:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/fydetab.rules
2. Append the configuration line
At the bottom of the file, add:
Then press Ctrl + S to save and Ctrl + X to quit.
3. Reboot
After reboot the pen will work correctly.
If you mistakenly tried gnome setting's stylus calibration, remove the calibration data by running:
dconf reset -f /org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/tablets